The Rhythm of Snowy Days

It’s big news in this area when snow is on the way. There is so much anticipation for the rolling mountains of East Tennessee to be transformed into a Winter Wonderland. However, anticipation is often followed by amassed disappointment.

Not this year. We watched in curiosity as a winter storm began to march across the country. ALL models pointed to a complete encasement of Tennessee in snow. I have to admit that I’m like a kid when I think of waking up to flakes falling from the sky and the pure wonderment of how snow will quickly pile up. I tell my third-graders every year that the weather conditions must be perfect for snow. That way they can view it as a pure and Divine miracle when it blankets the ground.

In the past, I wrote an essay about the wonder of how something so cold can serve as a blanket to whatever new growth lay just below the surface. And it is true. How often do we find ourselves in the midst of a trial and only see the surface of what is happening to the complete lack of attention to the growing that is occurring below? I have done it more times than I care to admit. I get so consumed with the present circumstances that I forget God is doing something even greater than what I can see or perceive. Perception is often the key in these situations.

However, this snow event leaves me pondering something a bit different. When my girls were still home, there was a hustle and bustle to get out the door and play in the snow. But, here this week, I felt something a bit different as I snuggled in with my puppies. It was a sense of contentment that came from some deep place of slowing down. I did a few small projects around my place (like decluttering my closet), but by and large I read books, listened to soft music, and rested.

I took time to look for some research that might support this feeling of contentment and peace. I found a study from The University of Sussex that is also supported by a similar study at The University of Kentucky, that might explain some of this. According to their research, snow acts like a blanket that actually absorbs the surrounding sounds (up to 60%)making things seem quieter in our environment. Sound scientists have actually recorded the “sound” of falling snow that mimics white noise on a low setting. This sound stimulates a portion of our brain that is responsible for feeling restful and relaxed. Perhaps this is why so many people like the sound of crashing waves or running water. Our brains are stimulated by this rhythm in nature.

When my girls were still living at home, I enjoyed their excitement to get out and frolic with one another or friends in the snow. It reminded me of my childhood days when us neighborhood kids would make forts and sledding ramps across frozen creeks (we hoped), spending hours in the freezing temps until our clothes were soaked and the sting of cold compelled us indoors. Today, I enjoy the slower rhythm of these days. The unhurriedness of time as the shadows move across the walls of my townhouse. I love forgetting what time it is and finding that my body is relaxed when darkness falls. It is a stark contrast to the stress I feel most days in my career. I’m thankful for a respite and opportunity to refocus for the weeks ahead.

I was thinking this morning about the things I love in this world – snow, a cozy leather couch, flowers, a water view….and it sparked a note of curiosity in my mind about Heaven. Jesus said that He goes to prepare a place for us… when I know that I have guests coming to my house for a visit. I like to stock up on things they like to eat or make sure that I have everything they need so that they feel welcomed in my space. This thought gave birth to a question: I wonder if Jesus is preparing a place for me in Heaven that includes all of my favorite things, too? I’m pretty sure He is thoughtful like that.

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